Dec 22, 2011

A mind of his own

Little J is so independent! As I say on the floor this evening watching him play. I saw that he found some packaging for a toy I just opened for him. I called his name (which he knows now) and he looked over and told him not to put it in his mouth he looked at me smiled and laughed like he knew exactly what I was talking about. He later put the piece of cardboard down and moved onto something else to destroy! He is so big now crawling and always wanting to explore everything and put any and everything in his mouth. I cannot believe he is growing so fast!

This is him caught in the act! What a stinker ;)

Dec 2, 2011

Cute Kid Contest

I entered James in a cute kid contest! The winner wins a FREE photo session and we really want to win! Spread the word!

go to Forget Me Not Photography Blog, and vote for number 24.


Nov 28, 2011

Sick day Sunday

Last night my little guy had a fever after some meds and some cool towels it dropped and he was out. This morning he woke up with a high temperature and again some meds and cool towels. This is the first time he has ever had a fever so of course I was so worried! So we stayed home. After Logan got home from church he gave James a sweet little Father's blessing. I am so thankful that Logan holds the Priesthood and that he can preform a fathers blessing for little J. We've been off and on with a fever all day. I took this pic while he was feeling a bit better.
(I love the little mustache! I found an app for it of course)

My little James is so perfect, although he does not feel good he is still always sharing a smile and willing to try and play.

Nov 25, 2011


I love Thanksgiving, it truly is my most favorite Holiday. I love to be around family and share delicious food that took hours to prepare. This year we spent the holiday at home. I volunteered to make dinner and to have everyone come over. It was a wonderful meal! I cooked my first turkey, made my own stuffing, mashed some taters, baked fresh rolls, and enjoyed dinner with my family. I had so much fun, besides worrying about a dry turkey everything was worry-free. After my parents arrived we finished everything up and dinner was served. I was shocked that everything turned out so perfect. (pat on the back) We of course finished off the night with a movie, I enjoyed a nap during the movie and sent the parents home with plenty of left overs.

I am so Thankful that I was able to spend the evening with my Husband, son, brothers and parents. I love them all unconditionally. I am thankful that I know how to cook and bake and be able to provide a meal that satisfies everyone. I am thankful for the joy that we were able to feel. I am so thankful for all the blessings are brought to my life daily, I am truly grateful.

I have only ever experienced black friday once. Two years ago, I spent 5 hours outside of best buy with a friend. It really was unforgettable, we laughed and froze the whole night. This year I really wanted to get out and cash in on some fabulous deals. Instead the Mister and I saw a Laptop on sale and just had to snatch one. So we stood and sat in line for 4 hours and were able to get one. We have wanted one for so long but just waited for the right time to come and tonight was the night. I really want to go out and shop some more, but its probably best if I just stay in and eat some pumpkin pie instead. It is pretty crazy out there and if i want to be functional for the little guy in the morn I better stay in.

Tomorrow is the day we get to set up our tree! I love Christmas time, nothing beats the Christmas spirit!

Nov 17, 2011

Salt Lake City

Salt Lake City Temple- our Temple day was unforgettable.

Mr. & Mrs. Rémy Chercuitte

Temple Doors

James at the Family Search Center.

We got back from a long weekend in Salt Lake City! I have never been before and Logan had some vacation time, so when our friends told us they were also getting married there, we planned our trip! What perfect timing We loved Utah! Probably because the mountains remind us of Flagstaff.
Logan, James and myself traveled with our friend Hilary. (she was so brave to travel with us, especially with myself, i get a little crazy after being in a car so long) We have yet to travel so far with James. I could tell he was relieved not to be stuck in a car seat when we got home. It was definitely a tough trip but after all the driving was done we all enjoyed ourselves.

Before we left little James started teething! At first it was just one little tooth and just this morning I felt his gums to see how his tooth was doing and found a second tooth coming in! My little boy is growing so fast. The day after he turned six months not only did his one little tooth start to spout, he also started taking his pacifier. Which could not have been more convenient, his paci is a life saver.

While in Utah we went to our friends wedding, did Temple work for my Great Grandparents, hung out with some friends that we have missed dearly and enjoyed all the laughs and frustrations of traveling. Although we enjoyed every part of our trip, Logan and I will not be venturing on any long journeys any time soon. There really is no place like home!

Nov 6, 2011

November so soon

I cannot believe it is already November, soon it will be Thanksgiving and then Christmas. My oh my how time flies! It has already been a busy month! Today was my Dads Birthday, he is officially 45! Even my Grandma was surprised when we told her. Since my brother and dad have birthdays fairly close together my mom decided to combine a celebration for the two. Logan, myself, Little J and Ian (my brother) all ventured to Cameron this morning to visit my moms branch. She loves to show off here grand kids! It was so nice to go to church with my family, it's been so long.

After church we visited my Grandma and then off to my parents house. We had a fabulous lunch! It's been along time since we have all been together at once! I love my family ! They are so wonderful. After lunch we drove back to Flagstaff so Logan could make it to a meeting. It was a very busy day but one that was worth it.

Little J and Miss K, she did not want to sit still at all! So my little guy just watched her as she fussed. :) This was one of my favorite pictures, they were staring at each other and she stopped.

Oct 6, 2011

Hello October

It is crazy how fast time flies, it is already October! September has somewhat been a busy month for us. Logan is back at his old banking center, be is so happy there and loves all his coworkers. We were able to see The Lion King in 3D! It was nice to see a classic back on the big screen. James enjoyed the music and color it was a perfect movie for him.

My little man has grown so much he is now trying to sit on his own. And he is doing such a good job he is determined to learn! It is so adorable to see such a tiny body balance just enough to sit properly.

It is now fall!! I love fall weather, it is a bit nerve racking with little J, cold weather always makes me a bit nervous. However I have made a new wreath for our door (I have yet to hang it, it sits on my table patiently) it is by far one of my new favorites. Tomorrows tasks include showing off his new treasure on my fabulous door.

My adorable niece her Mom and my brothers spent the day with us a few weeks back. I love seeing them all. I miss living with my brothers jet hearing their voices brings me joy and watching Miss Keanna grow is just as much fun as watching my little guy grow. While she was visiting I painted her cute toes. Little painted toes are one of my favorite things. I have also loved getting to know her mom. I have learned we have so much in common. I love that she is my family!

I am so excited for October, family pictures are to be done a the end of the month, Mr. James will be dressing up for his first Halloween, and of course another month with my fabulous family! Happy Fall!

Sep 28, 2011

Sometimes were lucky!

Lately I have loved the word FREE! Logan and I have been lucky enough to snag some free items using coupons! Logan loves when I ask him this item is FREE do you mind if i get it. He always says yes. Recently we were lucky enough to snag a Free Steak Dinner from Outback [the steak was more delicious because it was free!] and a Free Artisan Pizza from Domino's. I have been trying to coupon lately, and its really hard to stay on track and remember to save coupons then use them. Logan has been very helpful always reminding me to use a coupon if i have it. :) He really is wonderful!

Sep 25, 2011

It's fall!

Now that it is Fall, I have decided that its time for Family Pictures!! I am so excited for family pictures now that I have a little family of my own. I really want a fantastic photos. I have seen a few photographers that I love and their work is gorgeous... however they are a little pricey. So I do not know what to do . Logan and I are really trying to stay on a strict budget so if you have any ideas for an inexpensive Photographer who has some great work we would love to book them!

Sep 19, 2011


The other day Mr. Bliss was telling me that while at work he was trying to think of all the things he is blessed with, an it made me thought. What am I blessed with?
I am blessed with a wonderful husband who loves me and cares deeply for me. I am blessed with a wonderful little boy who lights up our life. I am blessed with a loving family. I am blessed to live a happy life. I am blessed with good health, and my family is too! I am blessed with a wonderful ward and Relief Society. I am blessed that I have a Savior. I am blessed with blessings.
I don't want this post to sound like I am bragging about my life, I just realized sometimes it is nice to notice what blessings you have. It makes you so much more thankful for your own life. I am far from perfect, but because I have so many blessings being perfect doesn't matter.
I know somedays are harder than others, and it's days like this that make me realize that hard days only come when you forget the wonderful blessings you have.

Sep 13, 2011

Our weekend trip

This past weekend we visited Logan's brother and his family in Cottonwood. It was nice to get out of the house for a night which turned into two nights. It was nice to see family as well. Although they are so close we don't get to see them as often as we get to. While we were down south Flagstaff received tons of rain... And it been raining every day since! We all love the rain.

Sep 9, 2011

Four Months Old

My little guy turned four months old on Tuesday, I cannot believe that he is four months old already time has gone by so fast soon he'll be walking and talking! This past month he has learned do so much more and advancing so fast.
For month four:
1. James is now 26 inches long and weighs 16 pounds and 3 ounces
2. He can now see his hands and is learning how to use them.
3. I love when he holds onto me shirt and my hair although it hurts sometimes.
4. Mr. J loves to touch his toes and wiggle them at the same time.
5. No blood tests this month!
6. James still loves to snuggle with me, he sleeps on me.
7. He loves his daddy, he is now very comfortable with him holding him.
8. Logan and James had their first evening together just the two of them. They both enjoyed it.
9. I love my little mans smell.
10. I love watching him watch tv, I doubt he knows whats going on, but he still loves it.
11. This month we travelled to Missouri, James did so well! He loved the airplane noise.
12. He is so friendly, always willing to send a smile to anyone.
13. I love that James has been trying to roll over. He is growing so fast.
14. When he's later down he'll try to pull himself up.
15. Little J loves his fingers, they are always in his mouth.
16. Baby mullet, James is still losing his hair so it looks like he has a baby mullet. I must admit I only love this on my little guy anyone else it just doesn't look good.
17. James and his daddy are so much alike, they both have stuffy noses when they wake.
18. James loves to be snuggled and loves soft blankets.
19. I love his sweet baby babble.
20. I love that his eyes follow me when I walk around.
21. I love that since he is growing so fast, he can no longer fit in our bathroom sink.
22. Little stretches are adorable
23. I love his yawns!
24. I love sometimes when he's sneezing he'll prepare for another sneeze and nothing will come out but a sigh.
25. He sleeps through the night like a champ.
26. I love his sweet breath.
27. I love that he is big enough to wear polos, I don't know why they don't make them in smaller sized! I can't wait until I can get him in button down shirts and a tie! Adorable!
28. I love that mr. J has yet to be sick, I am so thankful!
29. I love watching James everyday. I couldn't last a day without him!
30. I love seeing how smart he is and watching him progress so fast.
31. I love James so much. He is such a great blessing. Logan and I love him so much!

I love my little guy, he is perfect in every way!

Sep 8, 2011

Labor Day Weekend

This years labor day weekend was wonderful! We really loved relaxing this weekend. Logan worked on Saturday until noon. So it was just Mr. J and I until my Brothers showed up. They came with on my brothers girlfriend and his daughter. We all had a great time. It's so nice to spend time with my brothers. It reminded me of when I lived at home. Once Mr. Bliss returned from work we all left to the County Fair, My mom had been there all morning at the the Sakura booth selling Sushi and other seafoody items.

We all enjoyed the fair. The weather worked out for us perfectly especially with two little ones. We all had Shaved ice, kettle corn and of course tons of water. It was definitely a great day with the family.

Little Keanna, she is getting so big. Shes three months older than Mr. J.

Uncle Ty and Mr J

Stroller buddies, they both did so good while at the fair!

Sep 1, 2011


I am addicted to Pinterest! It is so much fun. I am so thankful that it's so easy. Since my husband is so techy with the computer sometimes he clears everything off and all my favorite bookmarks and websites are cleared from the browser. So this is this is the most perfect site for me and it's simple look makes everything easy to find once posted.

I love the iPhone app. It is fabulous!!

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Aug 31, 2011

Sometimes I freak out...

So I have this thing with salmonella, okay it's a huge thing. I have to sanitize everything that comes in contact with anything that may have salmonella. I honestly turn into a mad women! I guess it is because I cannot get sick, I have James, I don't want to get him sick and Logan cannot get sick either. If just one of us were to get sick, it would be miserable for us all. And the fact that you can get sick from something that could have been prevented by just being careful. It just makes me crazy!
Tonight we had BBQ chicken for dinner and Logan was helping, actually he kinda did it all (thank goodness, he is wonderful). Well he cut up the chicken and long story short he doesn't have the concerns I have about salmonella. So I followed behind him disinfecting everything he touched. I was a bit ridiculous but I cant help it. I know I need to be patient and I really am trying it's just hard when I am so obsessed about something he is not. In the end he knew it bothered me and apologized, hopefully we will both be able to handle my craziness together.
On a happier note we were able to roast some mallows on the coals from dinner. Logan called it our date for the week. :) We brought out some chairs and roasted our mallows. We both eventually ended up on the grass, it was so nice out, the weather was perfect. James watched from the screen door, he would stare at our mallows each time we would come in for more. Our five minute date was the most perfect way to end a somewhat interesting night.

So we have a tiny grill, but it cooks what we need it to so it is perfect.

Isn't he so handsome I love his glasses, so classy.

James safe inside, away from the pesky moths and other night yuckies.

Just the other day we were asked if we had the same glasses. :) It reminded me of those elderly couples who dress like each other after being together so long. It brings me so much joy that we will grow old together.

I love Logan he keeps me in line when my silly craziness grabs ahold of me. He brings me back to what really matters, our family and our love.

Aug 29, 2011

He spoils me

I love my husband! He truly is the most wonderful man I know. He does so much for me and now James. I cannot believe I am married to him. For the last two nights he made me dinner! He made his two specialties Spaghetti and Cashew Chicken! I love them both! There is something about a dinner tasting so much better when someone else makes it. Since he was so sweet to make dinner I found it only fair to do the dishes each night (I normally do them, but this just gave a reason to somewhat enjoy doing them). I love Logan, he is a wonderful husband, friend and father. James and I are truly blessed to have him in our lives.

{this is my most favorite wedding picture, done by Jamelle from Cameron + Kelly Studios. I really need to get pictures done with our new addition. Any suggestions?}

Aug 26, 2011

He has feet

Tonight my little guy found his feet. It was so cute to watch him grab his feet and play with his toes

James still loves to suck on his fingers but now also loves his feet and toes!

Aug 25, 2011

Missouri and Oklahoma

We got back from our trip to the Midwest on Sunday it was a long trip. We flew out of Arizona on Tuesday morning and drove straight to Oklahoma then back to Missouri. We all had so much fun! Mr. J was able to meet his Great Grandparents for the first time. While we were there Logan's twin and his wife had their First baby, Noah. He was so sweet. Of course little Noah looked tiny compared to my little guy.

James was such a great traveler! The plane ride put him to sleep the car was fairly easy for him. Really the only thing that bothered my little man was the humidity and the heat. Other than that he was the most perfect little guy.

We also visited the lake with Logan's cousins. It was a ton of fun!
We cannot wait to visit again!

{My Husband is so handsome!! ....just saying....}

Aug 23, 2011

Three Months Old

This Month went by so fast, so fast that Mr. J is almost four months old!

For month Three:
1. Jaundice is no longer visible!
2. He can hold his head up perfectly!
3. he has huge baby thighs, they are adorable.
4. He laughed for the first time for me!
5. Mr. J loves to smile!
6. He will let anyone hold him.
7. He still doesn't cry very often, and if he does it's still very quiet.
8. He is losing his hair, just a sign of how much my little guy moves.
9. Can you say Long? he is almost as tall as my torso.
10. Long Lashes, they were long when he was born, then thinned out and are now thick and long!
11. James is still very big for his age!
12. I love that he will snuggle with me in my bed on the morning.
13. I have enjoyed watching him get closer to his Daddy, he knows his voice and looks for him every time he hears him.
14. Baby Talk is adorable!
15. No fevers yet!
16. Colors are his favorite, they always catch his eyes.
17. Standing is one of his favorite things.
18. my iPhone amazes him!
19. We went camping this month for my Family Reunion and he did wonderful, it was hot and he did wonderful!
20. Cool breeze calms him.
21. When he sleeps he sweats, his back and his head.
22. Loves visitors!
23. Still won't take a pacifier, but really he doesn't need it with how good he is.
24. Almost as big as his Cousin who is three months older than him!
25. The vacuum does not scare him, more soothing than anything.
26. This months biggest accomplishment: Sleeping through the night!
27. He is growing out of three month old clothes, its a bit sad.
28. This month was his first movie and he did wonderful! he lasted two hours and not a peep
29. Stroller walks put him to sleep.
30. I am so thankful for such a healthy baby!
31. I love James so much I love spending everyday with him, i could not imagine a day without him by my side, he is a wonderful blessing!

Logan and James are the two best things I could have in my life, I could not imagine life with out them.

Jul 14, 2011

He's a trooper

James had blood work done today. He is such a trooper. ....he was starting to fall asleep.

A Sister Returns!!

I am so happy to announce that Sister Hilary Bitsoe has returned from her Mission in Spokane, WA. I have yet to see her, but I cannot wait to see her. On Monday afternoon I drove to her neighborhood and posted some signs that I made for her they were simple and not fancy what so ever but I hope that she saw them :)

I know the pictures are not the best.... Okay they are horrible! Little James was waking up and just super fussy. So I had to snap them while trying to soothe him. They read Welcome Back Sister Bitsoe! I have missed Hils so much I am so excited she's back. So much has happened in a year and a half!!

My new addiction!!

I have a new addiction!! I LOVE Butterfinger Ice Cream made by Dreyer's! It is absolutely delicious! I have a bowl of ice
cream every night, I know sounds extremely unhealthy! It's now throne food that I crave like crazy!!

If you have not tried this tub of heaven I highly recommend it! :)

Jul 8, 2011

Two Months Old

Little James is now TWO months old!! My oh my how time flies! My Little baby boy is growing up so fast! I have grown to love him more than I could have ever expected! Last month I decided that I would find a whole months worth of new things I have grown to LOVE, adore, and absolutely can't live with out that my Baby James does.
For Month TWO:
1. I love that he is growing {SUPER FAST}!
2. I love that he knows who I am.
3. He Only cries when he is hungry, has air, or needs a diaper change.
4. He loves the sound of Rain, it puts him to sleep!
5. He loves to sleep naked... :)
6. I love that he fits into his three month old clothes perfectly
7. Baby James loves the bath, he can sit in it for hours if I let him. It really does calm him.
8. I am so excited that his Collapsed Eye Duct is no longer collapsed. Thank goodness for medicated ointment.
9. James gets a really dry stuffy nose (from the elevation), it reminds me that he is not perfect.
10. He is a shy bug when it comes to the camera.
11. I love that he holds my hand (finger).
12. Car rides calm him.
13. He knows his Daddy.
14. His sleeping schedule is off, but it works with mine. I am not the best morning person so I love that he sleeps in!
15. I love that Logan is now getting comfortable with him, James will now fall asleep in his arms.
16. Although James does not like to change his clothes [what baby does?] he lets me change him and only moans when I change him.
17. Socks are too small for his feet.
18. Afternoon naps keep him a happy boy!
19. I know this is one from last month but must be added... He really is a quiet baby!
20. Although he is having some bilirubin level troubles, he is handling blood work like a trooper! Every prick is terrible to watch and yes he cries but two minuets later its like nothing ever happened.
21. When he lays on my bed in the morning he watches the fan! Super cute!
22. No Major diaper rashes... Yet.
23. Little James lets anyone hold him...and shares smiles... if he's awake.
24. He loves to sleep through Church. I know that his sweet little Spirit is still so close to Heavenly Father, I can feel His love through little James every day.
25. He is Handsome like his Dad.
26. Holding his head up is this months biggest accomplishment!
27. On the count of Three he stands, or at least tries to.
28. Chunky thighs are ADORABLE!
29. When he scrunches he has back rolls.
30. I love everything about him, Logan and James are my two best blessings I have ever received.

....oh how I cannot wait for another month with my Little man, he and Logan complete me.

Jul 5, 2011

Happy 4th of July!

This year James was able to celebrate his first Fourth of July! We really didn't do much, we all slept in so we missed the parade. James is on an odd sleep schedule so we (him and I) stay up until midnight or sometimes later and wake up around nine or ten! It's super tough! Well Logan and I were able to go downtown and walk around in the wonderful weather we were having! We stopped and had lunch at one of Logan's favorite Restaurants, San Felipe's it was delicious! we then walked to the new Candy store and picked up a Caramel apple! I am so excited that there is a store that makes delicious caramel apples!! We made it home and relaxed, at sundown we drove to the mall area and watched the fireworks! Logan and I weren't expecting the best show, but it was wonderful! James slept through most of it. He woke up for the last 10 mins and loved the lights! it was super cute! I cannot wait until he is older so he can understand whats going on! :)

Jun 22, 2011

James' Baby Blessing, the Grandparents and Father's Day

The past couple if weeks have been super busy and full of family! Baby James had his blessing on the 12th, it was a wonderful day! Mama and Papa Bliss (Logan's parents) and Uncle Dave (Logan's youngest brother) drove from Missouri to witness the blessing. Uncle Kevin (one of Logan's older brothers), his wife Natalie and their wonderful girls also drove from Missouri. And of course Jared (Logan's oldest brother), his wife Katie and their kids drove up from Cottonwood to be part Of the special day! My mom also come to town tojointhe fun! I was so excited we could see so much family, I truly love all of Logan's family.

We were able to spend the week with the family, it was a ton of fun, especially since it's been awhile since our last visit to Missouri. I am so grateful I married into a wonderful family, who support Logan and I.

Sunday was Logan's first Father's Day, and it was a joy to spend it with him. He is a wonderful father to James, I know that it is not always easy for him but I do know he is trying his hardest. I am so happy that Logan and I have James, I don't know what we would do without him.

Jun 8, 2011

One month

Baby James Calvin Bliss turned one month old on Monday! I am so happy that he is already a month old, time has literally flown by. Yet I am so sad that it has gone by so fast! My baby has changed so much in the last month. He is growing so fast I wish I could slow it down so I can embrace every moment a bit longer. I thought of this wonderful idea while on Facebook, it a run off the 30 day photo challenge. I thought why not a year challenge of baby James, which will include the things I maybe the only to see or notice, things I am thankful for or the things I adore about my little boy (let's hope that none of them are repeated) . So here goes month one:
1. I love the James was born a 9 days early, I think we were both ready to meet each other.
2. I love his full head of hair!
3. When he was born I immediately had a connection that took my breath away. I couldn't believe I gave birth to a wonderful boy.
4. For the first week he rarely cried (he still rarely cries I hope it never changes), I secretly tell myself it is because he knew how much work labor was.
5. He feeds like a pro. Nursing has bee wonderful.
6. His little feet are super cute, he has long toes and big feet, well they look big compared to his body.
7. One word dimples! James has a dimple on his right cheek and a small one on his left cheek, he really can't get any more cute. I love that he inherited Logan's dimples!
8. I love that lint can hide in his little hands under his thumbs. I love finding it.
9. I love watching him stretch! His little arms reach as high as they can reach and his little knees pull up towards his belly, his shoulders shrug and his back arches. It is so adorable.
10. The smell of his breath.
11. The way he smuggles up on my belly.
12. When he sleeps he always has one fist on his face.
13. Little lips are so special when they pucker.
14. Knee and elbow dimples!
15. He sighs in his sleep.
16. The hairs on his back would probably be gross if they were on a grown man but since he is a baby they are so cute.
17. Baby James has detached earlobes and when I say detached they really are detached. I have detached lobes but not as much as mr. James.
18. He can wear any color.
19. I love that he has a wonderful skin tone.
20. When he is warm and gets a bit sweaty, his hands have a funny smell.
21. He has Logan's hair line.
22. Innie belly button
23. A cute bum, I now understand why parents take pictures of babies nakie bums
24. I love the little hairs on his ears!
25. Mr. James was born with a cone head at about four days old his cone shape went away :)
26. I am so thankful for a healthy and safe birth!
27. He sleeps best on his belly, and will sleep longer when he sleeps on my belly. I think he knows that I love when he does
28. I am so thankful that he is growing so well and is healthy!
29. He stops crying when I snuggle with him.
30. I can feel that he loves me.
31. I know that he is truly a blessing in our life and I would never change a thing about him.

I know that I will have trouble with this challenge I the next few months but I hope that I can pull through. I can't wait to see the end result.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

May 30, 2011

Family date night

I LOVE those words! Last night (Saturday night) Logan, Little James and I had our first Family Date night. It was the first night Logan and I were able to go out on a date since mr. James was born. I chose Olive Garden, because I love their salad and soup! I have actually been craving it! Logan had some steak, his normal picking anytime we go out. And James he slept through dinner, thank goodness! Dinner was mist wonderful, it was nice to get out and enjoy time with Logan.
I an so thankful to have such a wonderful husband! He is the most perfect man I could ever ask for. After dinner we said goodbye to our best friends and neighbors the Kings. They live next door and left early this morning to Utah. They were both great people and we will miss then so much. Hopefully we can make it up to conference this year so we can visit them.

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What time is it?!

Lately I've been sleeping in little James' sleeping schedule. Which means I have no idea what time it is ever and now my sleeping schedule is off by four hours. It was super easy when he was born he slept a lot! Now not so much, He'll sleep for twenty minutes or three hours or really anywhere in between.
He's little screams are now escalating into loud ones and worst of all he is growing out of his newborn clothes! I am so happy he is so big but so sad he is growing so fast! I love being his mommy! I find so much joy in holding him and watching him. There is nothing better than motherhood!

James crying, sometimes I like to watch him cry because he is just so gosh darn adorable!

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May 23, 2011

Big boy James

Today baby James had a Doctors appointment he is now two weeks old. For his height he is in the 81st percentile, and for his weight the 71st percentile! My baby boy is growing really fast, I am so excited he is growing! I love him so much!

Mommy and James resting on the couch.
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Baby Boy Bliss

James Calvin Bliss

Baby James and I met on May 6th at 4:48 pm, he weighed 8 lbs and 4 oz and was 21 inches long. We had a tough journey after two hours of pushing, an epidoral, and a very long morning of contractions. I was so excited to finally meet him, Logan and I are so happy to have such a wonderful little boy. He truly is a blessing.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

May 5, 2011

False Alarm

Last night around ten Baby James and my body decided to
Play a trick on me and send me into having contractions from every fifteen mins to every three so at one this morning Logan and I grabbed my bag and headed the hospital.

We arrived on the second floor Labor and Delivery and I was shaking! I was super nervous, this was the moment Logan and I have been waiting for. We were so close to meeting our baby boy! After checking in and settled in the triage I find out that I haven't dilated a bit yet my contractions were two minutes apart. So the nurse sent me to walk the quiet hospital for an hour hoping that it would speed up the dilation.

During my walk my mom showed up she drove from cameron when she found out how close the contractions were. After an hour passed we returned to the L and D floor only to find that i had yet to dilate. Super disappointing!! I was given a sleeping pill and we were all sent home, we all returned to my apartment and were in bed at 4:30. I have never had such a tiring day or should I say morning. I was so hoping James was ready to make his debut but it looks like he is holding out.

I am still having contractions if it does not lead to anything then I already have an inducement set for Tuesday. I'm hoping for the least amount of pain. Wish me luck.

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May 3, 2011

May 10th

I just got home from the doctors office.... And I may be induced on May 10th because he will be out of the office around my due date! That's one week from today! I have seven days to finish up preparation for baby James! I have an appointment next Monday to find out what we should do. :)

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May 1, 2011

One Year

One year ago today Logan and I were married for time and all Eternity in the Mesa Arizona Temple! What an exciting day that was! I can't believe it hS already been a whole year! We have come so far from then, we are now having a baby who is due to arrive really any day now! I am so happy that Logan and I found each other. He really is the man of my dreams. I love him so much and cannot wait for the years to come!

For celebration:
Since I'm now 38 weeks pregnant, it's advised that we do not change elevations or travel too much because it may force me into labor. :/ So Logan and I could not go and visit Disneyland.... Wouldn't that be kinda of awesome if I went into labor At Disneyland?! Well we stayed in town and somewhat celebrated yesterday because this year our anniversary is on a Sunday, so we exchanged gifts Saturday and decided to enjoyed two days of Anniversary fun! Tonight we'll have dinner with our friends and drink a Bottle of Sparkling Apple Cider that I saved from our wedding. I know sounds a bit weird, but I know that cake after a year in the freezer is DISGUSTING and I did not want to even try saving the top tier of my cake. So instead I grabbed a bottle of unopened sparkling cider and saved that instead!

I am so excited that Logan and I have come this far and I honestly cannot wait to spend Eternity with him. Not to mention our little boy who we will get to meet in less then 14 days! Oh the joys of life!

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Apr 24, 2011

Easter Eve

Today Logan and I attended the Adult session of Stake Conference and heard from Elder Russell M Nelson from the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles and Carl B Cook from the Seventy! What a blessing it was to have heard there addresses, actually the whole session was wonderful. The spirit was present and the night was wonderful. Just being in the presence of an Apostle of the Lord was an experience I'll never forget.

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Apr 21, 2011

Tooth Day

Tuesday was tooth day!

Logan's wisdom tooth was starting to emerge from the surface (doesn't that just sound like a pain?) and so it was time to get it removed! He made an appointment with the dentist who had removed his other wisdom teeth. This was thankfully the last one he had still. So Tuesday was the day that we went to in to see the Dentist, and i traveled with since his Dentist is in Cottonwood. I had the day off and so why not really. We traveled down to see Jared first at Walmart. He set myself and Logan up with some contacts. Logan's eyes have changed since his last prescription was taken (AKA he was going blind in one eye). Once we were done it was off to the Dentist.

We arrived and waited in the waiting room what seemed like ages. So when Logan was pulled back i was thrilled! He was numbed and then the doctor did his work and pulled the tooth out in one piece! It was huge! Some sutures were tied in to the gums and he was done. While Logan was checking out, Logan mentioned that I had a tooth problem (which doesn't bother me so i don't consider it a problem).

I was pulled to the back and sat in the chair. X-rays were taken and it was down hill from there. We found out that i need a Root Canal. :( The dentist opened my tooth up and cleaned it out and refereed me to an Endodontist here in town. Yesterday i stopped by his office for an evaluation. He told me that doing a root canal right now can/will induce me into LABOR (oh my goodness! my heart rate was through the roof!) So we decided that we would wait until after Labor so that we wouldn't have to induce me since my tooth isn't bothering me too much.

I have never been the one to dis-like dental work, but this week has changed that especially when the words Root Canal are brought up. Logan however has nothing to worry about, Thank goodness! I'm so thankful i won't need anything done yet but am dreading the day when i have to.

Logan's Wisdom Tooth is a bit visible in the far back.

Apr 18, 2011

Baby James update

27days left!

I just had a doctors appointment today, and everything is going as planned, both mama and baby are perfectly healthy! :)

Baby James and I had our baby shower this past weekend and it was wonderful! A lot of friends and family showed...if you were one of them I was so happy to see you!

I must say both James and I were definitely showered with delicious food, fun, and presents.

I didn't take many photos which I regret deeply!! I really wish I did. But I did take some awesome pictures of my cake and some of the diaper cakes I received.

Chocolate cake with yummy whip cream filling. It matched the invitation perfectly!!

This cake was the most adorable thing ever a hippo on a diaper motorcycle :)

I love diaper cakes so useful and so gosh darn cute!!

Oh how I can't wait to meet my Mr. James Calvin!

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Apr 15, 2011

Logan's new toy

I finally broke down and allowed Logan to get a new phone. Logan being the techie he was very excited to get his new phone. Believe it or not it's been 18 months since he has purchased a new phone. Which is normal for any other person except my high tech husband. He is super excited it's so nice to see him so excited over a phone!

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Apr 14, 2011

The Suite Life

This week I was so lucky to spend with Logan in the Valley. He had to do some training for his new position at the Bank, and since I didn't want to be left alone I went too. The bank payed for our hotel, which Logan was lucky enough to choose. It was a wonderful choice. The Hilton Pointe had a few restaurants, tons of pools, a lazy river with a water slide and so much more. Our room was cozy and easy access to everything site.

Since Logan was training during the day I was left to find things to do on my own so I.... Shopped!!

I love the advantages to being Pregnant! Every mall and store I went to I made sure to see if they had special expectant parent parking! (unfortunately the Chandler Fashion Center is the only mall I could find special parking.)

Ikea was another stop I made by myself... They also had special Parking! I surprisingly had fun walking through all the stores and malls by myself. Logan even suggested that I pamper myself with a pedicure! Oh how I love my husband!

Together Logan and I watched a movie, went tubing on the Lazy River and swimming and went to the Mesa Easter pageant.

Logan probably didn't enjoy himself all that he could but he was let out early his last day so we could make it home early. All in all the trip was wonderful, the valley was so warm. And it was nice to have one more small vacation before the baby comes.

It's amazing to think that as of this coming Sunday Logan and I have four weeks left until we finally get to meet out baby boy! (that's if he doesn't decide to come early) :)

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Apr 1, 2011

The Art Walk

I've had this nifty app on my phone for a few weeks now. I mostly got it so I could update the blog regularly and it really hasn't worked the way I wish it would. So tonight I thought I would try and use it. :)

Tonight Logan and I found out that our wedding pictures had come in (we were married last May so it's a bit late, better later then not at all). I was so excited I told Logan we had to go get them when he got home, we had a quick dinner and ran downtown with our next door neighbors to the first Friday art walk! The weather was perfect, I love spring time! There were a ton of street musicians and it was awfully crowded. I guess everyone else I thought that the weather was too nice to not go out. The Art walk was fun as usual!
After returning home we immediately opened the box with the prints. I truly love looking at my wedding pictures! They remind me if what a wonderful day it was and how I am married to the most wonderful man I know for eternity! What a blessing!! I can't wait to get our prints framed and hung!

We had our Engagement and Wedding pictures done by Jamelle Kelly from Cameron and Kelly Studios, they are so wonderful! I would definitely recommend them!

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Mar 30, 2011

Six weeks left

I can't believe I have less then six weeks left of being pregnant. I will honestly miss it! I love feeling my little boy move daily, but I'm super excited to meet him.

Logan and I are preparing for Mr. James, his room is almost ready for him! I can't wait until we meet him. We just had a doctors appointment and everything is perfect!

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Mar 26, 2011


Lately Our Baby James has been kicking so much, it makes me sore! I love feeling his little body move inside my tummy. What a blessing it is to be pregnant, however sometimes its just a bit too much. Sleeping has been almost impossible now. Logan has been so good to me lately! I love him so. He rubs my legs when they ache, puts lotion on my feet and even tried to paint my toes because i can no longer reach my feet without been completely uncomfortable! He is so wonderful! This week has been tough... my poor emotions are all over, stinking hormones make it all so difficult.

on the upside... for Spring Break Logan and I took a quick trip to Phoenix and we bought Chairs!! We inherited the Bliss table (Logan's Parents used it, and then his older brother, and now we have it). It is a really nice table it was only missing chairs. We have been looking for ones that match since we've been married and have not found anything at a reasonable price. Until this weekend we went to IKEA, I love this store (and i'm pretty sure it is now one of Logan's favorites too!). They were a decent price s o we had to get them! Our little apartment now feels so homey and complete!

Oh how could i forget we are also cleaning out the baby's room, another big task we took on during spring break. It is going well.. and starting to clear out really well. I can't wait until we get it all done for Mr. James Calvin. Only 50 more days until we meet.

32 weeks only 8 left!

Mar 12, 2011

ups and downs

There have been so many ups and downs lately.... mostly ups, but still no one likes the downs.

Two weeks ago Logan and I learned that my brother Erik, now had a daughter. Down.
We didn't know anything about the situation, he's sixteen, a junior, and not ready to be a father. To be honest i was really upset! (since then i have come to accept what has happened and am okay with it) Well after we found out I went to visit the Baby Keanna Faye. Logan was working and my all my family was going so i tagged along. If i were going to be an Aunt then I at least wanted to see my Niece.
She was adorable and I immediately fell in love with her. Up.

How can you not be... She is adorable! We also met Keanna's family. They were so nice and so welcoming. Up

I also had time to spend with my family another Up!

This past week Logan received a promotion and transferring!! He's going to be closer to home and who does not love a promotion? Another UP!

Our Baby James has been growing so fast, he is moving constantly which is a bit painful sometimes but always worth it. Up! Yet i have been starting to get Braxton hicks Contractions, Ouch! ...Down!

The Ups definitely out weigh the downs, which is wonderful and always worth focusing on.

Baby Bliss and I only have 64 more days until we met. I can not wait!

Feb 24, 2011

Logan's Birthday!

This past week we celebrated Logan's 24th birthday! It was a ton of fun, and he was very spoiled this year! First we decided that his present would be a TV! We have been using our computer screen since we've been married which didn't bother me, but Logan being the computer guy he is could not handle it anymore! So we went to best buy and we got him a 40 inch Samsung LCD flat screen. We decided that it would be his birthday present, which he was just fine with. Within the next few days Logan and I went to pick up my iPhone case at Verizon. While we were there the sales agent told Logan that he could get the iPhone as well. He was sure that the agent was wrong he already knew his upgrade wasn't for a few months. But we waited and they later confirmed that he was not eligible for an upgrade, Logan was a bit upset.
I originally wanted to get Logan the Xbox 360 with the Kinect, it's been something he has been obsessed with since it's come out. So when he was told that he could not get the phone of his dreams I knew I wanted to surprise him with the Xbox and Kinect. I tried to keep it a secret because i love surprises, he on the other hand is a bit impatient. After telling him we went to game stop to pick up the system and games! He was so excited and has loved it since we've bought it.

For Logan's birthday we decided to drive down to the valley. It was a wonderful retreat especially after the snow storm we had in town. while in the valley we watched a movie (Logan's weakness) and eat at some restaurants that we don't have in flagstaff. We also had time to visit the temple, we both had the best week celebrating Logan's birthday.

{I have been craving donuts forever, Logan and I were able to stop and grab my most favorite donuts!! Oh how i love him}
I couldn't ask for such a more wonderful husband! He makes me the most happiest wife!

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Feb 14, 2011

February: Celebration month

This has by far been the busiest month and I must say the best yet.
I finished off January with going to the wedding expo at the Radisson,and because I work there and i love weddings I helped out.... If you were the lucky girl there to see all the wonderful vendors I was the one registering all the brides. My morning was very enjoyable, I was able to congratulate all the brides and see how excited they were about their upcoming wedding. I was also able to see some vendors who were at my wedding! Cameron and Kelly Studios, what talented women, I love all their work! Sedona Sweet Arts was at the expo with cake samples....yum! Donna Joy even remembered my cake! Jason from Peaks Audio was also at the expo. Last year the same day Was one of the best days ever.... It was the day that Logan proposed!! I remember that day so well it was amazing! We were both so excited to spend he rest of our lives together.
The 6th was my birthday and also Superbowl Sunday, I was opposed to celebrating or watching the superbowl. Logan gave me the best birthday yet! Since my birthday was on a Sunday we decided to celebrate it in Saturday and it was wonderful. Logan surprised me with a spa trip!! He took me to the spa to get a facial, shampoo and blow dry plus a make up application. It was so relaxing and absolutely amazing. After the spa Logan gave me my present... He bought me Uggs!! I almost cried! On Sunday, we were surprised by my in-laws I was so excited to see them. They drove all the way from Missouri! We spent the night with them and a few friends it was most wonderful!

On the 8th we spent the day with our family in Cottonwood, all the girls and I went shopping (I bought maternity clothes!) while the guys went hiking. It was so nice to see everyone, especially Ma and Pa Bliss and David.
Which brings us to today Valentine's day... I love the holiday now that I have someone so wonderful to share it with.... I don't know our exact plans for tonight but as long as I am with Logan I am one happy girl.

27 weeks down 13 to go :)

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Jan 11, 2011

Baby Update

This pregnancy has gone by fast but i must saw i have enjoyed every part of it, even the morning sickness. there are some new updates:
  • More then half way through, I am now 22 weeks along!!
  • I can now feel my little one moving
  • We are having a little boy!!
  • We are both healthy, meaning one I am actually gaining weight! and two the baby is strong and growing with no problems that we know of.

Logan and I are so excited to be pregnant it is such a blessing! I also love watching my belly grow, my pants no longer fit, shirts are starting to get tight around the tummy. I have yet to purchase any maturity clothes, mostly because I want to see how long I can put it off before I absolutely must buy some. I tell Logan almost every night that my tummy is growing so fast I look at myself in the mirror and realize that there is a little boy growing inside, its such a sweet feeling.
I must admit I have heard the stories about random people just wanting to touch my tummy and they scare my like crazy! So when we go out I always wear a jacket or a sweater so my belly is not as noticeable so no random people will come and touch it.. how awkward!!

Baby Boy Bliss at 20 weeks
He's a BOY!
Only 18 weeks until we meet! Logan cannot wait!