Jul 17, 2010

Friday Night Date

Last night Logan and I went to see Tyler Wilkinson speak. On Sunday in Relief Society I heard that the Cottonwood Stake was having a Youth Conference here in Flagstaff, and they had Tyler Wilkinson an Inspiration speaker ,fly in from Utah to speak to the Youth. All the Adults in the stake were also invited to go and listen if they wanted to. So I told Logan about this guy who was coming to speak, not knowing anything but he was suppose to be good.
So we went to see Tyler Wilkinson speak, he talked about his Accident and how he was injured in a car accident when he was eighteen after sign a double scholarship for Baseball and Football in college. He was left a quadriplegic. He spoke about the fun "rides" life can have and the "bumps" that can bring you down. He was very spiritual along with inspiring.
Logan knew his story sounded familiar but could remember if it was the same person he remembered watching a movie on. So after he spoke and the Fireside was released Logan went to shake his hand. While he was, he saw some young boys wanting his autograph. So when we walked to the car, we 'Google'd' Mr. Tyler Wilkinson, and we found that he was the guy Logan remembered. The movie 'Tyler, a real hero' is about Tyler of course but told more about his life before his accident and then reflected on his "new world" he was now living in.
After Dinner with my Mother , we went back to our apartment we watched the movie on You Tube. (it showed in 7 parts) It was a very good movie, it was very well told and very moving. It was a wonderful way to end the night!

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