This month James fell in love with our Christmas tree! I made all of the Christmas decorations this year. I did not want any of our ornaments from last year to be sucked on, since they were all covered in glitter. All the ornaments were made from felt. I found some cute ideas on Pinterest!

Since Christmas was on a Sunday this year Logan and I decided we would spend it with my family so we went to my Mom's Branch. Following church was dinner with my grandmother and lots of family. Our first Christmas as a family was most perfect! {NEW YEARS} Our new years eve day, was spent once agin with my parents. (I love to be with my family and lately it feels like I really haven't seen them enough). After dinner we chatted and caught up then it was back to flagstaff. James was in bed early so I took advantage of an early bed time as well. Logan and I laid in bed we shared our new years resolutions and what we were looking forward to and were asleep by 11!! Since the busy holiday time Logan was able to take a mini vacation and spend some time with James and I. I realized how much I miss him while he is working and how grateful for such a wonderful husband! James's major accomplishments this year: He can crawl! It's official he is crawling on his hands and knees. He is very brave, he is trying to stand by himself and thinks he can do it perfectly. Of course he is getting into everything! "Mama" is now regular vocabulary, I love being his mama. It brings me so much joy. Teething has been constant since the first one broke through. He now has four that have pierced through and two that are slowly peeking through! James loves to feed himself, his little fingers have are now pinching foods! I can't believe he is growing so fast. Cuties are his most favorite. For Christmas my mom placed a box under our tree (I am in love with cities so i was so excited to see them!) once he found out how yummy they were he was addicted! [this was not a cutie, apparently the tangelo I picked was very tart because all he had was tartness]

I love my little James. He is so perfect and I love watching him grow! I am so thankful that I have such a wonderful little boy. Of course there would not be a perfect little guy with out my Mr. Logan there would not be here. I love Logan and am so grateful that we were able to spend our second Christmas together as a "blissful" couple and our first as a family! I love my two guys!

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