Dec 26, 2012

Making an Effort

It has been about seven months since I have actually written a post. I designed a blog so that I would be able to record our life, I have miserably failed! So I am making a change and will be making a huge effort to once again record our little special moments. After all how else am I suppose to know what has happened in my life without some kind of record.

So an update:We live in Missouri, we love it! We recently moved in to a bigger apartment and love it! There are Windows! I know sounds silly, but our last apartment had windows to the hallway! The most bizarre thing I have ever agreed to. We have a laundry room, a huge plus! [I find doing laundry fun now!] Since we have a two bedroom apartment again, James has his own room. He has his own space and place to play and sleep. Why I ever agreed to an apartment with one bedroom still confuses me.

On a personal note James is sleeping in said room through the night which means he is weaned! I am proud to announce that he lasted a full 19 months, we enjoyed nursing but it was time and he has handled it perfectly!

{this morning James had the best bed hair, he also woke up in the best mood}

Logan is enjoying his job, he only works about 5 minutes away. [plus] Reagan and Karen (In-laws) live about 8 minutes away. [plus] and we live like 4 minutes away from the church! [plus] See I told you this place is just way better than our last place.James has been growing so fast. It is really fun to see him explore and learn new things. I am amazed at how quickly he learns new things. Lately his new loves are:

  1. Balls- [also his favorite word besides Mom] he will throw them at you expecting you to catch and throw back at him. He is also trying to dribble and kick the ball and run after it. This kid will be so good at sports if he continues at this rate!
  2. Strawberry milk- I know I shouldn't be proud my child is drinking sugar with his milk, but I have fairly good reasoning. He hated whole milk when he was nursing and after he was weaned. I warmed it for him, added a little chocolate syrup and he still refused it. Until I added Strawberry syrup, he will drink a while cup! I will wean him off of the syrup soon enough but for now he needs milk and if it requires a little flavoring I am okay with that.
  3. Teddy Bears- or as we call them his babies, he will snuggle them, give them kisses and make sure they have something to eat at meal time and of course they get covered at nap time. Seriously the cutest thing ever!
  4. Animal Noises- we have been working on matching noises with animal pictures, his favorite has to be ROAR! for bears and dinosaurs.
  5. Toy Story 3 and Curious George- we bought it on iTunes for a trip back to Arizona last month and he really wasn't into it at first. But now they are favorites.
  6. and of course he has been loving Hats- he pats his head anytime he sees one and has to put it on. Once again adorable.

Logan has been busy with family, work, church callings, hanging out with friends and as always going to the movies. As long as he gets to go the the movie theater he is a happy camper. Thanks to him we have been able to see family so often, it has been great! I am so lucky to have a husband who works so hard for us! He dedicates so much time to support and care for us, he rarely gets time for himself.

I have been busy unpacking and organizing, hanging out with James, occasionally I am able to watch my nephew [James loves when he gets to come over, I think I get boring sometimes], busy trying to find my next new project to keep me sane while at home. I love being home with James I could not imagine leaving him to go to work. I really love being a mom! I love watching him grow each and every day. Logan and I love being parents. I lucked out finding such a wonderful husband!

Jun 10, 2012

Missouri update

We have been in Missouri about two months now. It has been going wonderful! I love a lot here but of course I miss a lot in Arizona as well. I am trying not to think of what I'm missing but rather what I can experience here. We've all been keeping busy.

There is so much to do outside. James and I probably spend about an hour a day outside! His favorite daily duties are:
Feeding the goat grass through the fence, they've become pretty good friends (we don't frighten them so much anymore).
Watching the chickens eat and looking for eggs.
Picking fresh raspberries, he loves raspberries more than anyone I have ever met!
Looking for sticks and rocks
Playing in the cats water
And like any little boy he loves the mud and dirt!
Everyday we try something different or venture to a new part of the yard. As long as he is outside he is a happy camper.

Logan has been commuting back and forth for work I know that its wearing on him. I am so thankful for his job and all that it provides, I just wish his work was closer.

As for me I love the garden here, it's so fun to go looking for new vegetables and surprisingly I love to pull weeds for some reason it is very calming. I've been keeping busy with Logan's mom. We have busy days and relaxing days, I enjoy them all.

I'd say we all really enjoy Missouri but if you were to ask in a few months I may say differently, the weather may have the worst of me. :)

Today's James update:
Today was the first time James crossed his arms for prayer, it was so sweet to watch his little arms cross and watch him be so reverent. He has such a sweet little spirit.

Apr 17, 2012

Missouri... I've arrived

That's right Missouri has three more Bliss's! We have recently moved to Missouri to be closer to Logan's Family. The move has been something Logan and I have been talking about for awhile and with much prayer and talking, it was something that we finally put into action. When i say action, I mean we moved in pretty much two weeks across the country. Logan's brothers and dad were on their way to our house in Arizona before our apartment was even packed, thanks to some pretty wonderful friends (whom I miss dearly now) came to our rescue. Brittany and Rémy helped us pack pretty much everything, these two are packing and moving pros we packed the apartment the two days!

Logan left early back to Missouri leaving James and I in an empty apartment so he could interview for a few banking positions. James and I cleaned and enjoyed the extra time in Arizona. When it was time to join Logan we flew out with my mom so she could finally see where we would be living and be at ease with our new life's journey. I loved traveling with my mom, and watching her see where we would be for the next couple of years. We ate at Lambert's, home of the throwed roll {they seriously throw rolls, have endless plates and the biggest cups ive ever seen in a restaurant.} We missed the Amish stores, it was Good Friday and all their stores were closed. Visited Bass Pro, ate Andy's frozen custard, had a cookout and got poured on, and drove a ton while she was here. Easter Sunday we attended church then left for the airport so she could catch her flight back to Arizona. I was so happy that she was able to come with me. I loved her being here. Logan is convinced we can convince my family to move here so we don't have to move again.... I am still skeptical about that one.

I miss my family tons and wish they were here or I was there. But at the same time I know Logan wants to be close to his family. I love his family they really have been so wonderful. If it weren't for them I would be having a pretty miserable time in a state I don't know.

Since we've moved Logan has landed a job at a pretty nice bank it's not the same bank he was with in Arizona. But the people he works with are pretty nice and he loves the small bank atmosphere. I am so thankful for all that we have been able to do since we have arrived in Missouri. Now we just have to find a place to live closer to Logan's work so he doesn't have to travel so far.

We are currently staying with his parents and it's been a complete joy! I've canned beans, made bread, sewn a blanket, went to an open house for the Kansas City Temple and probably some other awesome things that I can't recall right now. Logan's parents love James, he is really getting to know them and becoming comfortable around them. I love staying with them but I do miss having my own house hopefully soon enough we can find something nice that we can move into that will fit the three of us really well.

[Uncle Reagan and Noah with James at Lambert's]

[Bass Pro]

[Kansas City Temple]

[James playing grandmas piano]

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Jan 24, 2012

January: our new year

I know I saw it all the time but time has flown by I can't believe that January is almost over!! Logan and I are loving all that this year has brought us! We have kept busy with James, work and all of life's joys!

{I stuck James in the entertainment center and he stayed, I don't think he knew how to get out.}
James is now eight months old! He has become a pro at crawling and is still very brave! He thinks he can walk and has fallen quite a bit trying to walk. He love to eat, he is currently not wanting anything on a spoon. He would much rather feed himself. Watching him eat is so fun, he concentrates on his food so hard, it is adorable. He currently loves to eat apples, pasta and Gerber's puffs.
{pasta and concentration}

Sleeping has become a little tough. James loves to sleep by mama and snuggle. So I am a bit squished at night with Logan, James and I in the same bed. Bath time is our new favorite activity, he is still afraid of the shower. I think it's because most loud noises scare him.

{He loves baths! And I love that they knock him out!}

{String cheese fun!}

Logan and I have been thinking about me returning to work... Its a hard choice. Since there were some manager changes at my old job, I would now only be comfortable returning. I love being with James! Waking up with him by my side and spending everyday with him is so rewarding I love being his mom and watching him grow every day. And on the other hand getting out into the real world again would be nice to see people again, I also loved and enjoyed my last job, and of course we would have an extra income. After much prayer and talking, we have decided that work is not something I'll be doing at this time. Logan and I enjoy what we have now, so why change what we have.

I am so excited for February! It's such a busy month for us Valentine's day, Logan's birthday and my birthday! I love all three! Oh plus the end of this month on the 30th is a very special day for Logan and I. It's the day that Logan asked to be my Eternal partner and of course I said yes! :)

Life is so busy yet so wonderful. We find our love grow for each other with every obstacle. I love Logan more than ever and also James too. I don't know what I would do with out my two guys! They complete my life!

Jan 11, 2012

The holidays

It has so far been a wonderful year! Our Christmas was the most perfect Christmas yet. I loved spending the morning with my husband and little James! He of course did not understand Christmas this year but that's okay his sweet little spirit made our holiday season complete!

This month James fell in love with our Christmas tree! I made all of the Christmas decorations this year. I did not want any of our ornaments from last year to be sucked on, since they were all covered in glitter. All the ornaments were made from felt. I found some cute ideas on Pinterest!

Since Christmas was on a Sunday this year Logan and I decided we would spend it with my family so we went to my Mom's Branch. Following church was dinner with my grandmother and lots of family. Our first Christmas as a family was most perfect! {NEW YEARS} Our new years eve day, was spent once agin with my parents. (I love to be with my family and lately it feels like I really haven't seen them enough). After dinner we chatted and caught up then it was back to flagstaff. James was in bed early so I took advantage of an early bed time as well. Logan and I laid in bed we shared our new years resolutions and what we were looking forward to and were asleep by 11!! Since the busy holiday time Logan was able to take a mini vacation and spend some time with James and I. I realized how much I miss him while he is working and how grateful for such a wonderful husband! James's major accomplishments this year: He can crawl! It's official he is crawling on his hands and knees. He is very brave, he is trying to stand by himself and thinks he can do it perfectly. Of course he is getting into everything! "Mama" is now regular vocabulary, I love being his mama. It brings me so much joy. Teething has been constant since the first one broke through. He now has four that have pierced through and two that are slowly peeking through! James loves to feed himself, his little fingers have are now pinching foods! I can't believe he is growing so fast. Cuties are his most favorite. For Christmas my mom placed a box under our tree (I am in love with cities so i was so excited to see them!) once he found out how yummy they were he was addicted! [this was not a cutie, apparently the tangelo I picked was very tart because all he had was tartness]

I love my little James. He is so perfect and I love watching him grow! I am so thankful that I have such a wonderful little boy. Of course there would not be a perfect little guy with out my Mr. Logan there would not be here. I love Logan and am so grateful that we were able to spend our second Christmas together as a "blissful" couple and our first as a family! I love my two guys!