We arrived at the campground early and caught the shuttle to the park. We were able to meet up with Logan's Sister and her son. They were able to stay for a few hours before they had to leave, we were so lucky to go and not have to deal with long lines or crowds. Both boys were able to ride plenty of rides and enjoyed the day out.
Once we arrived at the campground we assembled the tent and Logan decided that we should use firewood instead of the charcoal briquettes I picked up. I agreed that firewood would be pretty fun and more of the camping experience. While he was gone I realized that the dry ice I used to keep the food cold all day had actually froze our dinner, so i set those out hoping they would defrost a little and be able to cook. Luckily they cooked through and our dinner was delicious! The boys weren't too sure about foil dinners but loved the corn we cooked. After dinner we made s'mores, another camping favorite. We all roasted marshmallows while Boston just ate as many marshmallows as possible.

It was bit chilly at night but we had a few blanket thief's so Logan was really the only one who got cold. James woke up the next morning saying I LOVE CAMPING! We all had a blast and decided we wanted to do it again, but maybe next time we will be better prepared.