Today we watched the Incredibles and surprisingly James picked it out, it's not one of his favorite movies. He sat and watched the whole movie and when the end credits rolled he turned to me and said:
J: mom what's a sidekick?
M: it's a person who helps the superhero
J: oh okay
M: like Robin helps Batman
J: is it like this (as he kicks to the side)
M: well that is a side kick, it's not a sidekick
J: okay thanks mom
He then walked away talking about superheroes, it's so fun to watch him learn about new things.
May 28, 2015
May 13, 2015
Picking Strawberries
Since we have moved to Missouri we have picked Strawberries every year! I look forward to it every year after Mother's Day! I normally pick enough for strawberry freezer jam, a strawberry pie, freezing berries for later, and of course some we can eat now. James and Boston love strawberries, this year Boss wins the award for eating the most strawberries while out picking, he was sure to try every berry he spotted. James was more interested in all the different sizes and colors, he loves strawberries, but mostly wanted to help instead of eat. Logan was able to come for the first time, he had fun and probably picked the most berries, since I was eating and picking like Boss. We managed to snag a whole 11 pounds worth of berries, and a day out together as a family.

May 12, 2015
James turns four
My sweet James turned four this week! He is such a blessing! He has become my little helper! He loves to spend time with his brother and always watches out for him. James has grown so much in the last year! His most favorite things are telling stories, playing pretend, building with playdoh, playing super heroes, playing outside and snuggling next to mom and dad. He loves doing things together as a family and always makes sure we don't forget anyone. I love watching him grow and explore new things, I am so lucky to have gotten such a good little boy!
For his birthday this year we were going to keep it small, however James had different plans. The weekend before his birthday he invited his cousins to his birthday party. The the next day said he wanted to have a surprise party, I even asked what a surprise party was and he said, "mom, a surprise party is when everyone hides and then they jump out and yell surprise!" Well okay James a surprise party it is. So we official invited everyone over for his surprise party.
When the day actually came, I was hoping to make his favorite breakfast yet he refused and insisted on making his own, he made a marshmallow sandwich. We like to be healthy over here! ;) For lunch we headed out to a Pizza Buffet, James ate and ate all his favorite pizza and treats, after lunch we headed to the arcade and we snagged some fun prizes! I'm not sure who had more fun James or Logan, they both would be so excited for the next game. We then headed to the store for some balloons, because it's not a birthday without balloons, and maybe another birthday request. While picking up balloons James picked up his birthday present, for the last two years James has picked out his own birthday present and this year he chose an Ironman costume! And insisted on putting it in and wearing it the rest of the day! He has hit the superhero stage and I love it! I love watching him save the world from the bad guy, which is normally Boston.
We then headed home I still had to make his requested birthday cake which was chocolate cake, whip cream layers, strawberries and marshmallows. I forgot to add the marshmallows when assembling but he didn't noticed so we were safe!
Right before everyone arrived I sent Logan and James out for some birthday candles! While they were out, cousins arrived and waited from them to return. While James and Logan were out, Logan called with a question and I happen to mention that we were ready to hide (oops!) Of course James heard!
J: Dad everyone is hiding for my surprise party!
L: no James, they are playing hide and seek
J: Everyone is hiding, Sam, Caleb, Dallin, and Noah are hiding!
L: No James no one is hiding
Logan kept trying to convince him that there was no surprise party to throw him off, however James didn't buy it. He knew there was a surprise party! He walked in and we all jumped out with a SURPRISE! He was so excited and of course ran around being silly!
We had cake and opened a present and he played with cousins the rest of the night. He had so much fun! I can't wait to see how four year old James will grow. Happy Birthday James! You are the best little boy! Thank you for choosing us as your family, we love you more and more each day!
For his birthday this year we were going to keep it small, however James had different plans. The weekend before his birthday he invited his cousins to his birthday party. The the next day said he wanted to have a surprise party, I even asked what a surprise party was and he said, "mom, a surprise party is when everyone hides and then they jump out and yell surprise!" Well okay James a surprise party it is. So we official invited everyone over for his surprise party.
When the day actually came, I was hoping to make his favorite breakfast yet he refused and insisted on making his own, he made a marshmallow sandwich. We like to be healthy over here! ;) For lunch we headed out to a Pizza Buffet, James ate and ate all his favorite pizza and treats, after lunch we headed to the arcade and we snagged some fun prizes! I'm not sure who had more fun James or Logan, they both would be so excited for the next game. We then headed to the store for some balloons, because it's not a birthday without balloons, and maybe another birthday request. While picking up balloons James picked up his birthday present, for the last two years James has picked out his own birthday present and this year he chose an Ironman costume! And insisted on putting it in and wearing it the rest of the day! He has hit the superhero stage and I love it! I love watching him save the world from the bad guy, which is normally Boston.

Right before everyone arrived I sent Logan and James out for some birthday candles! While they were out, cousins arrived and waited from them to return. While James and Logan were out, Logan called with a question and I happen to mention that we were ready to hide (oops!) Of course James heard!
J: Dad everyone is hiding for my surprise party!
L: no James, they are playing hide and seek
J: Everyone is hiding, Sam, Caleb, Dallin, and Noah are hiding!
L: No James no one is hiding
Logan kept trying to convince him that there was no surprise party to throw him off, however James didn't buy it. He knew there was a surprise party! He walked in and we all jumped out with a SURPRISE! He was so excited and of course ran around being silly!

May 11, 2015
Logan and I found out through a home pregnancy test that we would be expecting baby bliss #3, we assumed the due date would be December 27! I was starting to figure out how to get out with three little ones, how would we function doing normal things, when would I potty train Boston, and move him from his crib to a big boy bed, would I need to get a bunk bed? All scenerios started coming to mind. Except on May 6th, 6 weeks and 2 days along, I woke up to some spotting and everything was on pause! I was no longer thinking of a life with three little ones, I was now worried about how I could my body betray me, everything that could have cause this came to mind. About 10 am I started cramping and I knew this was not right! I didn't have any of these symptoms with my previous pregnancies. I called my doctor and left a message for a nurse. I waited and waited trying not to think the worse, but not pushing it out completely. I noticed that the spotting was increasing more and more and the cramps were getting worse. The nurse was able to call me back and said she talked to my doctor who recommended that we needed to go to the ER. I couldn't just get up and leave it was James's birthday, and he had a surprise party, I couldn't just leave he wouldn't understand, right after cake and presents I told Logan that it was time and I needed to go, my cramps were getting really bad.
We hopped in the car and the boys were able to stay with family so we were off. Logan and I said a prayer for comfort and we agreed that if we do miscarriage it's better that it happens now than later on in pregnancy, we felt grateful for the blessing we recieved, I was no longer worried, I was okay if it was a miscarriage and I accepted the fact that if this was an unsuccessful pregnancy that is what it is going to be fine and we would be okay. Of course I would love for everything to be fine and continue for a normal pregnancy, it just didn't seem like a possibility at this point.
We checked in, then waited and were seen in triage then waited, we were finally called into a room I was hooked up to monitor my pulse and blood pressure and had an IV placed to lower my heart rate, it was averaging around 117bpm. I had a pelvic examine and an ultrasound. they were not able to see anything in my uterus, meaning I had either already miscarried or that maybe it was too small to see... However my blood work was not showing the right levels for pregnancy for how far along I should be. It was very low. The Doctor on said we should have them rechecked in 48 hours to see if they increased, which is what should happen for a positive pregnancy or lowered to confirm a miscarriage.
My normal OB was out of town for the weekend, so I was able to meet with another OB. He was able to squeeze me in, during my appointment, he also checked my uterus noticing that it was not one of a 6 week pregnancy and suggested we wait another day for the blood test so we would have a definite answer. Luckily my cramping had slowed to unnoticeable. When Sunday, Mother's Day came we were able to run to the hospital after church for a blood test, and we were prepared for the worse.
I knew the OB I saw on Friday would be out of the office on Monday, but the nurse would be in so I could call her for my results, the levels we were hoping for were around 1000, and mine was 48.5. Our confirmation that I had miscarried. Shockingly I wasn't surprised, my body had done what was needed, I do not know what happened, or why it did, but I do know that it was not in my control. And that it was best that it happened now. I was okay with the fact that I miscarried at 6 weeks, I barely found out I was pregnant, I wasn't attached yet. I was a upset that I wouldn't be able to experience pregnancy like I normally do and we wouldn't have a new baby in December, but I know that I will be able to be pregnant again and will be able to experience it when I am suppose to, when Heavenly Father plans for us to have another baby we will.
We hopped in the car and the boys were able to stay with family so we were off. Logan and I said a prayer for comfort and we agreed that if we do miscarriage it's better that it happens now than later on in pregnancy, we felt grateful for the blessing we recieved, I was no longer worried, I was okay if it was a miscarriage and I accepted the fact that if this was an unsuccessful pregnancy that is what it is going to be fine and we would be okay. Of course I would love for everything to be fine and continue for a normal pregnancy, it just didn't seem like a possibility at this point.
We checked in, then waited and were seen in triage then waited, we were finally called into a room I was hooked up to monitor my pulse and blood pressure and had an IV placed to lower my heart rate, it was averaging around 117bpm. I had a pelvic examine and an ultrasound. they were not able to see anything in my uterus, meaning I had either already miscarried or that maybe it was too small to see... However my blood work was not showing the right levels for pregnancy for how far along I should be. It was very low. The Doctor on said we should have them rechecked in 48 hours to see if they increased, which is what should happen for a positive pregnancy or lowered to confirm a miscarriage.
My normal OB was out of town for the weekend, so I was able to meet with another OB. He was able to squeeze me in, during my appointment, he also checked my uterus noticing that it was not one of a 6 week pregnancy and suggested we wait another day for the blood test so we would have a definite answer. Luckily my cramping had slowed to unnoticeable. When Sunday, Mother's Day came we were able to run to the hospital after church for a blood test, and we were prepared for the worse.
I knew the OB I saw on Friday would be out of the office on Monday, but the nurse would be in so I could call her for my results, the levels we were hoping for were around 1000, and mine was 48.5. Our confirmation that I had miscarried. Shockingly I wasn't surprised, my body had done what was needed, I do not know what happened, or why it did, but I do know that it was not in my control. And that it was best that it happened now. I was okay with the fact that I miscarried at 6 weeks, I barely found out I was pregnant, I wasn't attached yet. I was a upset that I wouldn't be able to experience pregnancy like I normally do and we wouldn't have a new baby in December, but I know that I will be able to be pregnant again and will be able to experience it when I am suppose to, when Heavenly Father plans for us to have another baby we will.
May 2, 2015
5 years
Logan and I were able to celebrate our 5th anniversary on May 1st! We have had a blast the last 5 years since we have been married we have moved from Arizona to Missouri, had two wonderful little boys, and enjoyed so many days of laughter, love, hardships and joy. We like many couples have had our hard days but we have also had some wonderful days! We have grown so much in five years, we are no longer just two people who fell in love and got married, we are now a couple who fell in love with each other we wanted to share that love with two little guys who now bring us so much joy. We are happy with who we are and who we have become the last five years. I love Logan more now then I ever have and am so happy I made the decision to marry him five years ago. And some wedding photos that I love!
For our anniversary we were not able to actually go out and celebrate since Logan and the boys were out on a father and sons camp out (I gave the okay for them to go on our anniversary since I knew how badly Logan wanted to take James and Boss on their first campout). We decided that we would go out to lunch the next day and enjoy some time without the boys, we decided on a scooter ride and Red Lobster. It was fun to be out just the two of us spending time together and remembering our special day in history. We were hoping to go bowling after lunch but it fell through the ally was booked. So we drove to one of my favorite kid stores and I picked out some shirts for the boys. Although it wasn't an elaborate 5th anniversary date it was special and we spent the day together which is all that matters in the end!