This year we spent Christmas together as a family, but Christmas Eve was spent with Logan's parents. We had so much fun with them, catching up and talking. We headed home late that night we all opened Christmas jammies, and then sent boys off to bed. I had to get started on assembling James and Boston's Christmas present, I read online that it took many people 2 hours, so as 11pm after wrapping the rest of the christmas gifts, I opened the box and it took 1 hour and 53 minutes to assemble! Christmas morning came and as usual Logan and I were so excited we woke the boys up so they could open presents! They managed to sneak into our room, James on the floor, and Boston in our bed. I love watching them open presents, Boston is reaching the age where he knows how to open presents but once open he wants to play with that toy. So James helped open a lot of his presents. James loves Christmas, he loves trees, the presents, santa, red and cookies. I love spending Christmas with my little family, I am so grateful for them and for Christ's Birth for without him, I wouldn't have them for eternity!

James insisted that he put the star on the tree.
I make a new homemade ornament each year for our tree, this year we all had our names added.
Both boys received one gift from Santa, and the rest from mom and dad or other family.
its not the clearest shot, but i love his expression.