Boston is now 3 months old and if i don't record this now I will most likely forget everything that happened that day!
On Tuesday September 10, I had been cleaning the house all day. I had reached 9 days before my due date, James was 9 days early so I knew that Boston would be on his way soon. I had my routine weekly appointment with my OB and everything was looking pretty normal I was 2 cm dilated and 75% effaced. My doctor was guessing the little guy was about 7.5 pounds. I got dressed and scheduled my next appointment. The rest of the day I was slaving away trying to clean everything and wash all the laundry and iron all of the Mr. shirts so I would not have to worry about it after we came home from the hospital. After we all had dinner, I told Logan that we needed to run to the store I needed to pick up diapers and a few other things. In the back of my mind I had thought that Little B was waiting until mommy was ready for him and he would wait until she had purchased diapers (I had made cloth diapers and kept going back and forth on buying small little newborn diapers or just going straight to the cloth diapers.) and chores done. So off to Walmart we were, we picked up some newborn diapers, some items for homemade laundry soap and some other random things probably snacks. (I was always craving snack foods)
When we got home Logan got James ready for bed and put him down for the evening. I started on my homemade laundry soap. I love how well homemade soap works, and I knew I would not have anytime after baby was born to make some so I had to get it made, the clock was ticking. After mixing all my ingredients I poured soap into leftover spaghetti sauce jars and the majority of it in a larger glass container, then it was placed in the laundry room. I washed my hands off and changed my clothes and was off to bed at 11:30.
I had been having inconsistent contractions all day, nothing to severe or strong just enough to notice and tingle a bit. I laid in bed on my left side, then my right and back to the left I kept rolling to my sides every time I had a contraction, they were getting closer and closer and they were getting more painful. Finally at 12:30 a.m. I could not lay in bed I was afraid of waking Logan with all my tossing and turning. If this was a false labor I was not going to keep him up when he had to work the next day. So I walked out the the living room and laid on the couch trying to sleep, I knew if this was the start of labor I wanted to rest as much as possible. But that only lasted about an hour, I turned on the TV and watched a movie on Netflix. I started walking back and forth in my little living room and drinking water like I was dying of thirst. During each contraction I would get on my hands and knees and rock back and forth. In between I was sitting on James's big ball (i knew i should have grabbed an exercise ball weeks ago!) So I bounced and rocked, my contractions were about 3 to 5 minutes apart. I had been going to the bathroom all night (with the amounts of water I was drinking I was not surprised) at 2:30 a.m. I went to the bathroom and found that I had bloody mucus! This was it I was in REAL LABOR! I had done it on my own, with James I was induced after having false labor twice! I got cleaned up and went to wake Logan up. I was so happy, excited, nervous, and shaking (mostly due to nerves but also contractions were getting really strong)
As Logan got dressed, I made sure everything was packed: clothes for both of us, camera, chargers for everything that needed to be charged, baby's first outfit and personal items for both of us. I also grabbed the iPad just incase we were there for a long time. Luckily we had talked to some friends that live in our building the day before and they volunteered to watch James if we went into labor in the middle of the night. So Logan gave them a ring and told them what was happening. I packed up some clothes for James, his cup and snacks were thrown in. I knew that family would be able to pick him up in the morning so I wasn't worried too much. We bundled him up and went and knock on the door of our neighbors and they had already made a bed for James! What wonderful friends we have! I laid him down and gave him a hug and kiss knowing the next time I saw him, he would be a big brother. We thanked and thanked our friends again and out the door we were.
Finally at 3:30 we were on the way to the hospital I had two contractions on the way that were really strong! We parked and walked to the ER doors. (since it was so late/too early the main doors were not open so we had to walk from the ER to Labor and Delivery) We walked in and the lady at the desk smiled at us and asked if we were looking for labor and delivery. She told us were to walk and asked if I needed a wheelchair. I thanked her and told her no. I wanted to walk! I know how walking helps labor and I wanted this baby to get as much progress as possible, no false labor for this mama. I may have made the biggest mistake by refusing the wheelchair, that was the most painful walk! We had to walk slow and stop every few minuets so I could sway back and forth through each contraction.
Finally we made it to the L&D check in desk! I told the nurse I was ready and I had been having contractions. She checked me in while Logan went to get a visitors pass. We were all set up in the triage. I changed into a hospital gown and was checked to see how dilated I was. She checked and I was 5 cm and 90% effaced. I was going to be admitted! I peed in a cup, had some blood tests, an IV put in and a bloody arm (apparently my arm likes to bleed... a lot!), they checked my records and asked all the personal questions. At 4:01 I texted my mom to tell her i was being admited. While I was being moved from triage to Labor and Delivery my Doctor walked by and saw us (he was on call that night, how lucky am I?) I had a super strong contraction on the way over and had to stop walking (I again asked if I could walk instead of the wheel chair, I don't know what I was thinking) The nurse complimented how good I was breathing and handling the pain. I was so proud that I was doing everything right this time around.