My little man has grown so much he is now trying to sit on his own. And he is doing such a good job he is determined to learn! It is so adorable to see such a tiny body balance just enough to sit properly.

It is now fall!! I love fall weather, it is a bit nerve racking with little J, cold weather always makes me a bit nervous. However I have made a new wreath for our door (I have yet to hang it, it sits on my table patiently) it is by far one of my new favorites. Tomorrows tasks include showing off his new treasure on my fabulous door.
My adorable niece her Mom and my brothers spent the day with us a few weeks back. I love seeing them all. I miss living with my brothers jet hearing their voices brings me joy and watching Miss Keanna grow is just as much fun as watching my little guy grow. While she was visiting I painted her cute toes. Little painted toes are one of my favorite things. I have also loved getting to know her mom. I have learned we have so much in common. I love that she is my family!

I am so excited for October, family pictures are to be done a the end of the month, Mr. James will be dressing up for his first Halloween, and of course another month with my fabulous family! Happy Fall!