I LOVE those words! Last night (Saturday night) Logan, Little James and I had our first Family Date night. It was the first night Logan and I were able to go out on a date since mr. James was born. I chose Olive Garden, because I love their salad and soup! I have actually been craving it! Logan had some steak, his normal picking anytime we go out. And James he slept through dinner, thank goodness! Dinner was mist wonderful, it was nice to get out and enjoy time with Logan.
I an so thankful to have such a wonderful husband! He is the most perfect man I could ever ask for. After dinner we said goodbye to our best friends and neighbors the Kings. They live next door and left early this morning to Utah. They were both great people and we will miss then so much. Hopefully we can make it up to conference this year so we can visit them.
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May 30, 2011
What time is it?!
Lately I've been sleeping in little James' sleeping schedule. Which means I have no idea what time it is ever and now my sleeping schedule is off by four hours. It was super easy when he was born he slept a lot! Now not so much, He'll sleep for twenty minutes or three hours or really anywhere in between.
He's little screams are now escalating into loud ones and worst of all he is growing out of his newborn clothes! I am so happy he is so big but so sad he is growing so fast! I love being his mommy! I find so much joy in holding him and watching him. There is nothing better than motherhood!
James crying, sometimes I like to watch him cry because he is just so gosh darn adorable!

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He's little screams are now escalating into loud ones and worst of all he is growing out of his newborn clothes! I am so happy he is so big but so sad he is growing so fast! I love being his mommy! I find so much joy in holding him and watching him. There is nothing better than motherhood!
James crying, sometimes I like to watch him cry because he is just so gosh darn adorable!

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May 23, 2011
Big boy James
Today baby James had a Doctors appointment he is now two weeks old. For his height he is in the 81st percentile, and for his weight the 71st percentile! My baby boy is growing really fast, I am so excited he is growing! I love him so much!

Mommy and James resting on the couch.
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Mommy and James resting on the couch.
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Baby Boy Bliss
James Calvin Bliss

Baby James and I met on May 6th at 4:48 pm, he weighed 8 lbs and 4 oz and was 21 inches long. We had a tough journey after two hours of pushing, an epidoral, and a very long morning of contractions. I was so excited to finally meet him, Logan and I are so happy to have such a wonderful little boy. He truly is a blessing.
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Baby James and I met on May 6th at 4:48 pm, he weighed 8 lbs and 4 oz and was 21 inches long. We had a tough journey after two hours of pushing, an epidoral, and a very long morning of contractions. I was so excited to finally meet him, Logan and I are so happy to have such a wonderful little boy. He truly is a blessing.
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May 5, 2011
False Alarm
Last night around ten Baby James and my body decided to
Play a trick on me and send me into having contractions from every fifteen mins to every three so at one this morning Logan and I grabbed my bag and headed the hospital.
We arrived on the second floor Labor and Delivery and I was shaking! I was super nervous, this was the moment Logan and I have been waiting for. We were so close to meeting our baby boy! After checking in and settled in the triage I find out that I haven't dilated a bit yet my contractions were two minutes apart. So the nurse sent me to walk the quiet hospital for an hour hoping that it would speed up the dilation.
During my walk my mom showed up she drove from cameron when she found out how close the contractions were. After an hour passed we returned to the L and D floor only to find that i had yet to dilate. Super disappointing!! I was given a sleeping pill and we were all sent home, we all returned to my apartment and were in bed at 4:30. I have never had such a tiring day or should I say morning. I was so hoping James was ready to make his debut but it looks like he is holding out.
I am still having contractions if it does not lead to anything then I already have an inducement set for Tuesday. I'm hoping for the least amount of pain. Wish me luck.
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Play a trick on me and send me into having contractions from every fifteen mins to every three so at one this morning Logan and I grabbed my bag and headed the hospital.
We arrived on the second floor Labor and Delivery and I was shaking! I was super nervous, this was the moment Logan and I have been waiting for. We were so close to meeting our baby boy! After checking in and settled in the triage I find out that I haven't dilated a bit yet my contractions were two minutes apart. So the nurse sent me to walk the quiet hospital for an hour hoping that it would speed up the dilation.
During my walk my mom showed up she drove from cameron when she found out how close the contractions were. After an hour passed we returned to the L and D floor only to find that i had yet to dilate. Super disappointing!! I was given a sleeping pill and we were all sent home, we all returned to my apartment and were in bed at 4:30. I have never had such a tiring day or should I say morning. I was so hoping James was ready to make his debut but it looks like he is holding out.
I am still having contractions if it does not lead to anything then I already have an inducement set for Tuesday. I'm hoping for the least amount of pain. Wish me luck.
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May 3, 2011
May 10th
I just got home from the doctors office.... And I may be induced on May 10th because he will be out of the office around my due date! That's one week from today! I have seven days to finish up preparation for baby James! I have an appointment next Monday to find out what we should do. :)
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May 1, 2011
One Year

One year ago today Logan and I were married for time and all Eternity in the Mesa Arizona Temple! What an exciting day that was! I can't believe it hS already been a whole year! We have come so far from then, we are now having a baby who is due to arrive really any day now! I am so happy that Logan and I found each other. He really is the man of my dreams. I love him so much and cannot wait for the years to come!
For celebration:
Since I'm now 38 weeks pregnant, it's advised that we do not change elevations or travel too much because it may force me into labor. :/ So Logan and I could not go and visit Disneyland.... Wouldn't that be kinda of awesome if I went into labor At Disneyland?! Well we stayed in town and somewhat celebrated yesterday because this year our anniversary is on a Sunday, so we exchanged gifts Saturday and decided to enjoyed two days of Anniversary fun! Tonight we'll have dinner with our friends and drink a Bottle of Sparkling Apple Cider that I saved from our wedding. I know sounds a bit weird, but I know that cake after a year in the freezer is DISGUSTING and I did not want to even try saving the top tier of my cake. So instead I grabbed a bottle of unopened sparkling cider and saved that instead!
I am so excited that Logan and I have come this far and I honestly cannot wait to spend Eternity with him. Not to mention our little boy who we will get to meet in less then 14 days! Oh the joys of life!
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