Today Logan and I attended the Adult session of Stake Conference and heard from Elder Russell M Nelson from the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles and Carl B Cook from the Seventy! What a blessing it was to have heard there addresses, actually the whole session was wonderful. The spirit was present and the night was wonderful. Just being in the presence of an Apostle of the Lord was an experience I'll never forget.
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Apr 24, 2011
Apr 21, 2011
Tooth Day
Tuesday was tooth day!
Logan's wisdom tooth was starting to emerge from the surface (doesn't that just sound like a pain?) and so it was time to get it removed! He made an appointment with the dentist who had removed his other wisdom teeth. This was thankfully the last one he had still. So Tuesday was the day that we went to in to see the Dentist, and i traveled with since his Dentist is in Cottonwood. I had the day off and so why not really. We traveled down to see Jared first at Walmart. He set myself and Logan up with some contacts. Logan's eyes have changed since his last prescription was taken (AKA he was going blind in one eye). Once we were done it was off to the Dentist.
We arrived and waited in the waiting room what seemed like ages. So when Logan was pulled back i was thrilled! He was numbed and then the doctor did his work and pulled the tooth out in one piece! It was huge! Some sutures were tied in to the gums and he was done. While Logan was checking out, Logan mentioned that I had a tooth problem (which doesn't bother me so i don't consider it a problem).
I was pulled to the back and sat in the chair. X-rays were taken and it was down hill from there. We found out that i need a Root Canal. :( The dentist opened my tooth up and cleaned it out and refereed me to an Endodontist here in town. Yesterday i stopped by his office for an evaluation. He told me that doing a root canal right now can/will induce me into LABOR (oh my goodness! my heart rate was through the roof!) So we decided that we would wait until after Labor so that we wouldn't have to induce me since my tooth isn't bothering me too much.
I have never been the one to dis-like dental work, but this week has changed that especially when the words Root Canal are brought up. Logan however has nothing to worry about, Thank goodness! I'm so thankful i won't need anything done yet but am dreading the day when i have to.
Logan's Wisdom Tooth is a bit visible in the far back.
Apr 18, 2011
Baby James update
27days left!
I just had a doctors appointment today, and everything is going as planned, both mama and baby are perfectly healthy! :)
Baby James and I had our baby shower this past weekend and it was wonderful! A lot of friends and family showed...if you were one of them I was so happy to see you!
I must say both James and I were definitely showered with delicious food, fun, and presents.
I didn't take many photos which I regret deeply!! I really wish I did. But I did take some awesome pictures of my cake and some of the diaper cakes I received.

Chocolate cake with yummy whip cream filling. It matched the invitation perfectly!!

This cake was the most adorable thing ever a hippo on a diaper motorcycle :)

I love diaper cakes so useful and so gosh darn cute!!
Oh how I can't wait to meet my Mr. James Calvin!
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I just had a doctors appointment today, and everything is going as planned, both mama and baby are perfectly healthy! :)
Baby James and I had our baby shower this past weekend and it was wonderful! A lot of friends and family showed...if you were one of them I was so happy to see you!
I must say both James and I were definitely showered with delicious food, fun, and presents.
I didn't take many photos which I regret deeply!! I really wish I did. But I did take some awesome pictures of my cake and some of the diaper cakes I received.

Chocolate cake with yummy whip cream filling. It matched the invitation perfectly!!

This cake was the most adorable thing ever a hippo on a diaper motorcycle :)

I love diaper cakes so useful and so gosh darn cute!!
Oh how I can't wait to meet my Mr. James Calvin!
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Apr 15, 2011
Logan's new toy
I finally broke down and allowed Logan to get a new phone. Logan being the techie he was very excited to get his new phone. Believe it or not it's been 18 months since he has purchased a new phone. Which is normal for any other person except my high tech husband. He is super excited it's so nice to see him so excited over a phone!

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Apr 14, 2011
The Suite Life
This week I was so lucky to spend with Logan in the Valley. He had to do some training for his new position at the Bank, and since I didn't want to be left alone I went too. The bank payed for our hotel, which Logan was lucky enough to choose. It was a wonderful choice. The Hilton Pointe had a few restaurants, tons of pools, a lazy river with a water slide and so much more. Our room was cozy and easy access to everything site.
Since Logan was training during the day I was left to find things to do on my own so I.... Shopped!!

I love the advantages to being Pregnant! Every mall and store I went to I made sure to see if they had special expectant parent parking! (unfortunately the Chandler Fashion Center is the only mall I could find special parking.)

Ikea was another stop I made by myself... They also had special Parking! I surprisingly had fun walking through all the stores and malls by myself. Logan even suggested that I pamper myself with a pedicure! Oh how I love my husband!
Together Logan and I watched a movie, went tubing on the Lazy River and swimming and went to the Mesa Easter pageant.
Logan probably didn't enjoy himself all that he could but he was let out early his last day so we could make it home early. All in all the trip was wonderful, the valley was so warm. And it was nice to have one more small vacation before the baby comes.
It's amazing to think that as of this coming Sunday Logan and I have four weeks left until we finally get to meet out baby boy! (that's if he doesn't decide to come early) :)
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Since Logan was training during the day I was left to find things to do on my own so I.... Shopped!!

I love the advantages to being Pregnant! Every mall and store I went to I made sure to see if they had special expectant parent parking! (unfortunately the Chandler Fashion Center is the only mall I could find special parking.)

Ikea was another stop I made by myself... They also had special Parking! I surprisingly had fun walking through all the stores and malls by myself. Logan even suggested that I pamper myself with a pedicure! Oh how I love my husband!
Together Logan and I watched a movie, went tubing on the Lazy River and swimming and went to the Mesa Easter pageant.
Logan probably didn't enjoy himself all that he could but he was let out early his last day so we could make it home early. All in all the trip was wonderful, the valley was so warm. And it was nice to have one more small vacation before the baby comes.
It's amazing to think that as of this coming Sunday Logan and I have four weeks left until we finally get to meet out baby boy! (that's if he doesn't decide to come early) :)
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Apr 1, 2011
The Art Walk
I've had this nifty app on my phone for a few weeks now. I mostly got it so I could update the blog regularly and it really hasn't worked the way I wish it would. So tonight I thought I would try and use it. :)
Tonight Logan and I found out that our wedding pictures had come in (we were married last May so it's a bit late, better later then not at all). I was so excited I told Logan we had to go get them when he got home, we had a quick dinner and ran downtown with our next door neighbors to the first Friday art walk! The weather was perfect, I love spring time! There were a ton of street musicians and it was awfully crowded. I guess everyone else I thought that the weather was too nice to not go out. The Art walk was fun as usual!
After returning home we immediately opened the box with the prints. I truly love looking at my wedding pictures! They remind me if what a wonderful day it was and how I am married to the most wonderful man I know for eternity! What a blessing!! I can't wait to get our prints framed and hung!

We had our Engagement and Wedding pictures done by Jamelle Kelly from Cameron and Kelly Studios, they are so wonderful! I would definitely recommend them!
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Tonight Logan and I found out that our wedding pictures had come in (we were married last May so it's a bit late, better later then not at all). I was so excited I told Logan we had to go get them when he got home, we had a quick dinner and ran downtown with our next door neighbors to the first Friday art walk! The weather was perfect, I love spring time! There were a ton of street musicians and it was awfully crowded. I guess everyone else I thought that the weather was too nice to not go out. The Art walk was fun as usual!
After returning home we immediately opened the box with the prints. I truly love looking at my wedding pictures! They remind me if what a wonderful day it was and how I am married to the most wonderful man I know for eternity! What a blessing!! I can't wait to get our prints framed and hung!

We had our Engagement and Wedding pictures done by Jamelle Kelly from Cameron and Kelly Studios, they are so wonderful! I would definitely recommend them!
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Location:Downtown Flagstaff