Lately I have been so bad at updating my blogs... I would love to blame it mostly on my morning sickness but it's also because I am just so forgetful and easily distracted that i just haven't.
I am now 14 weeks pregnant! My morning sickness has been all day sickness for the last 7 weeks and I am hoping this week it starts to fade away. At my last appointment Logan ask the OB when the sickness would go away (he was so sweet, worrying about me being sick so often) the OB replied that most women will have it ease up around 14 weeks, or 1 in 100 women will be sick through their whole pregnancy! I am praying that I am not that 1! While laying in bed this morning Logan and I were examining my belly to see if I was yet to be showing anything.... and we figured if I lay flat on my back and relax all my stomach muscles then take a deep breath we could see what looks the size of a melon in my tummy.... this is not there normally so I believe that I can see where our little Fetus is growing! :)
We go back in 3 weeks for our Dr Appointment! I am so excited we will be able to hear the little heart beat beat and make sure I am still healthy. We heard the Heart beat last time and it was so exciting, I wanted to laugh and cry all at the same time but I just remained quiet and listened while I could!
For Thanksgiving we will be visiting Missouri for the third time this year! I am really excited to see the family and be on a vacation! I will be able to meet some of the Bliss extended family, I have only met a couple of cousins so this will be quite the adventure (hopefully I will NOT be sick). I am assuming this will be the last time Logan and I will be able to travel just him and I to Missouri before our Baby is born. Oh how a baby changes plans all together!
{Just Logan and I}
We have been very busy with work and me sleeping all the time , we have still been to the movies! Which sometimes is not my favorite but Logan loves it so I tag along. :) We are always in Baby Mode, trying to figure out what makes me nauseous, what I can and can not eat. I feel as though we are always worried about me. Logan is so wonderful, he is always thinks of me and how I am feeling, making sure I am okay. He is so WONDERFUL! I could not ask for a better husband!
Well that's all I can think of going on in our lives.. 'til next time :)
Nov 14, 2010
Oct 9, 2010
A bun in the Oven
That's right Logan and I are Pregnant!!
Our Due Date is May 15th!
So that makes me 8 weeks and 6 days Pregnant!!
We are so excited!!
Sep 11, 2010
Labor Day Weekend
For Labor day this year my family went to my grandma's house which is an 1 hour and 45 minute drive from Flagstaff on the Navajo Reservation. We help her with laying the foundation for her house. It was super hot, and very tiring! By the end of the day we were all worn out, it was way worth the drive and the work. We didn't finish the whole project but we did help with something she has really been wanting to get done.
While we were there Logan was able to see where my brothers and I spent our summers when we were young. We drove the quads out to the Sand Dunes and to the Creek that runs through the area. It was a blast, we both enjoyed our weekend!
The first corner layed
The Finished Product... 3 hours later
On our walk we found some pottery... not from our family... it has to be hundreds of years old!
Aug 23, 2010
Climb to Conquer Cancer
On Saturday Logan, Erik and I all climbed to Conquer Cancer. We all climbed seven miles up Snowbowl road with about 4,200 other people. This is a wonderful event! I have attended for the last four years and each climb has its memorable moments.
We all started climbing around 7 am and finished 2 hours and 6 minutes later! There was no rain this year like there was last year. It was warm and crowded and very long. After about half way up we all started feeling tired, but we all endured! About three quarters, we were starting to get a bit sweaty... so when we arrived closer to the top we felt the breeze, and it was wonderful! Arriving at the top we felt a relief we were all so happy that we could help people with Cancer. On the drive home we were so tired but so thankful for a wonderful morning we were able to help those in need.
The top of the mountain!! what a sight!
Waiting in line for the bus!
Aug 4, 2010
Free Dinner!

After grabbing our free hot dogs (which always taste better when there free) we sat and listened to the Flagstaff Community Band, which was good. We decided that we would walk around to see what else was going on. We saw some white boards which had neighborhoods and concerns on them. Since we just moved into a new neighborhood Logan wanted to make sure we were going to be safe. He found an officer and asked them about our new neighbors and..... Its safe! May be safer then our last location! Thank goodness. On the way out we had these wonderful shaved ice treats,which were also free! It was such a wonderful night and a very inexpensive one!!
Jul 27, 2010
Family Reunion
This weekend Logan and I attended a Family Reunion for my Great Grandparents on my Dad's side. It was in Cameron which two things were going to happen, One it would be EXTREMELY hot and Two it would very WINDY! This two things did happen! Thank goodness we did not have a ton of rain that would have been very messy!
There were plenty of things going on the whole weekend, Games, Horse races, and contests. It was a ton of fun. While we were there Logan watched two Lamb get butchered, and once they were done he had what my Dad called Monster Mash. Which was a mixture of all the body organs, sautéed with some seasonings. Logan surprisingly said it was better then what he has had before. I did not even go near it! My family loved that he was so up for trying it.
The second highlight of the trip was the hula hoop contest. Logan and I were hula hooping and I must admit he is almost a pro!
We had a ton of fun and enjoyed the whole weekend with the family and together! I am so happy Logan was able to meet a lot of extended family and that they were able to meet my wonderful Husband!
Jul 17, 2010
Friday Night Date
Last night Logan and I went to see Tyler Wilkinson speak. On Sunday in Relief Society I heard that the Cottonwood Stake was having a Youth Conference here in Flagstaff, and they had Tyler Wilkinson an Inspiration speaker ,fly in from Utah to speak to the Youth. All the Adults in the stake were also invited to go and listen if they wanted to. So I told Logan about this guy who was coming to speak, not knowing anything but he was suppose to be good.
So we went to see Tyler Wilkinson speak, he talked about his Accident and how he was injured in a car accident when he was eighteen after sign a double scholarship for Baseball and Football in college. He was left a quadriplegic. He spoke about the fun "rides" life can have and the "bumps" that can bring you down. He was very spiritual along with inspiring.
So we went to see Tyler Wilkinson speak, he talked about his Accident and how he was injured in a car accident when he was eighteen after sign a double scholarship for Baseball and Football in college. He was left a quadriplegic. He spoke about the fun "rides" life can have and the "bumps" that can bring you down. He was very spiritual along with inspiring.
Logan knew his story sounded familiar but could remember if it was the same person he remembered watching a movie on. So after he spoke and the Fireside was released Logan went to shake his hand. While he was, he saw some young boys wanting his autograph. So when we walked to the car, we 'Google'd' Mr. Tyler Wilkinson, and we found that he was the guy Logan remembered. The movie 'Tyler, a real hero' is about Tyler of course but told more about his life before his accident and then reflected on his "new world" he was now living in.
After Dinner with my Mother , we went back to our apartment we watched the movie on You Tube. (it showed in 7 parts) It was a very good movie, it was very well told and very moving. It was a wonderful way to end the night!
Jul 13, 2010
Wedding Slideshow
Pictures from our wedding, done by our Photographer Jamelle Kelly with Cameron and Kelly Studios
Jul 6, 2010
Jul 5, 2010
Fourth of July Weekend
It was a very busy weekend for both Logan and I. Logan had his last day at Sedona Pines. I on the other hand had to work the Saturday which meant we were not able to do any traveling.
So our plans included:
- Watching Avatar: The Last Airbender. We loved the movie!
- Walking downtown for the First Friday Artwalk, the weather was absolutely wonderful!
- Going to the Art in the Park and watching some of the Parade, the parade lasted an hour and half so we did not stay to watch it.
- Thai food at Swadee Thai, it was delicious, but very spicy!
- Finished the Mighty Ducks Trilogy
- Driving to Cottonwood to see Jared Katie and the Family, plus watching the Fireworks from their backyard.
Jul 1, 2010
Missouri Trip
Logan and I returned from our wonderful trip to Missouri on Tuesday Morning. It was just a weekend trip but way worth it! We knew since Logan was starting a new job we would have a harder time traveling back to see the family. So we decided to go when it was easier for us.
We left for Phoenix Thursday evening our flight was not until Friday, but instead of rushing to catch our plane we decided to take our time. We stayed the night at the Hotel Valley Ho, it is a wonderful property we would recommend it! The flight to Missouri was 2 hours and 15 mins, very short compared to the 18 hour drive. Upon arriving Reagan and Sterling (Logan's twin and his Cousin) picked us up at the Airport, we raced to Reagan's apartment to pick up his wife and Sterling's Fiancée. We all then went to watch Grown Ups, which is a very good movie we were all laughing.
The next morning Logan's Dad came to pick us up, he was going to drive us to the Bliss House in Dadeville. Along the way we were able to stop at the Jeweler's house,Brother Adams, had made my Engagement ring and we had ordered a band to complete my set. So we were able to watch him sauder the two bands together. We enjoyed a wonderful Breakfast with the family, for our afternoon trip we decided we would drive to the Osceola Cheese Factory. They sell more than 150m different types of cheese! Logan and I had been to a smaller cheese store so we knew our favorite was the Mild Buffalo Wing Cheddar. Both To and from Osceola we were able to stop at some Amish stores, they were very interesting, I had never been to one so I was shocked the with the items they sold and made. After returning to Dadeville we all went to the Dadeville Cafe! it is the only restaurant in Dadeville, they also make the shirt which read Dadeville Population 224.
Sunday we spent plenty of time with the Family!
The Osceola Cheese Mouse
Monday was the most exciting day we were able to go to Silver Dollar City in Branson. Its a Theme Park set in the 1800s, so they have Mining themed rides, Country themed food. It was a ton of fun! Our flight back to Arizona was in the evening so were we were able to enjoy almost a whole day with the Bliss's.
I loved Missouri it was so green, the Family was so wonderful, and it was a ton of fun, Logan and I had the best trip yet! I still don't think i will move there, but i love visiting.
Logan's new job!
Logan will be starting his new job as a Teller at Bank of America on Tuesday July 6th! We are both so excited, Sedona Pines was a very long drive, But now Logan is here in town so work will be less of a trouble.
Jun 12, 2010
For our honeymoon Logan and I went to Disneyland. Our original plan was to go to Cozumel Mexico, but after figuring all the expenses we decided to stay in the states. Disneyland was wonderful!! We stayed in a Hotel that one of my Former manager manages so he hooked us up with a pretty good deal. We were in California for five days, the weather was wonderful! Our Hotel was in Buena Park so Disney was only a 15 min drive away. We also went to San Diego so Logan could see the
ocean for the first time! It was so cold! While in San Diego Logan and I Visited the San Diego Zoo, which was very fun but very big!
Our Family (mostly Logans Family) decorated our car, the whole trip we had people honking at us the whole time. :)
Neither of us have ever been to Disneyland before!
We each had his and hers Mickey ears, Mr. and Mrs. Bliss.
who we are.
Logan and I are recently married, we were married on May 1st in the Mesa Arizona Temple. We both love being married. It is a wonderful adventure! I honestly do not know what I would do with out Logan.